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    发布日期:2025-01-04 10:15    点击次数:109
    【世文联】全球创会总顾问陈光億宗师隆重预告新加坡收藏家协会将举办2024新加坡暨中国景德镇御窑瓷器大展Grand Master Jason Tan Founder & Chief Global Councillor of 【FOWCAAS】solemnly announces that the press Singapore Collectors Association to Host 2024 Singapore and China Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Institute Exhibition 【中国景德镇御窑博物院】、【新加坡中国文化中心】及【新加坡收藏家协会】举办2024新加坡《丝路瓷行•天工造化》大展,【世文联】为支持单位。2024 [Silk Road Porcelain Journey Divine Craftsmanship] Co-organizers by China Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Institute, China Cultural Centre in Singapore and Collectors’ Association (Singapore),support by【FOWCAAS】. 【世文联】创会全球总顾问陈光億宗师(左三)、【新加坡收藏家协会】名誉会长吴秋赞先生(左二)、副会长李维业先生(左一)、秘书长陈原德先生(右一)及会长郑明炎先生(右二)。[FOWCAAS] Founder & Global Chief Councillor, Grand Master Jason Tan (third from the left), Global Honorary Advisor of the [Singapore Collectors Association], Honorary President Mr. Goh Chu Chung (second from left), Vice President Mr. Lee Wee Giap, (first from left), President Mr. Tay Beng Yam (second from right) and Honorary Secretary-General Mr. Tan Yong Teck (first from the right). 序章。Prologue.御窑规制Regulations for Imperial Kilns明洪武二年(公元1369年),明廷沿袭元代“浮梁磁局”旧制,于景德镇开始烧造宫廷用瓷,并在珠山设“陶厂”,其至迟于宣德元年定名“御器厂”(清代更名“御窑厂”),从而开启了景德镇的“御窑史话”。而随着制度的完善、生产的需要,明代御器厂并不单纯只进行瓷器生产,而是一个具有管理、礼仪祭祀、生活居住、储存物品、生产等功能的综合性机构。In the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369 AD), the Ming court followed the old system of the Yuan Dynasty's "Fuliang Ciju" and began firing porcelain for palace use in Jingdezhen. A "pottery factory" was established in Zhushan, which was named "Yuqi Factory" no later than the first year of Xuande (renamed "Yuyao Factory" in the Qing Dynasty), thus opening the "Imperial Kiln Historical Tale" of Jingdezhen. With the improvement of the system and the need for production, the Ming Dynasty Imperial Ware Factory was not only engaged in porcelain production, but also a comprehensive institution with functions such as management, etiquette and sacrifice, living and living, storage of goods, and production.结合文献记载及近年来御窑遗址的考古发现,御窑的位置及基本布局已然明了,其坐落于今景德镇市老城区的核心位置,遗址总面积约54300平方米,周长约1145米。历年考古发现的明代御窑遗迹包括有房址、窑炉、墙基、路面、排水沟、辘轳坑、瓷片堆积及掩埋坑等。In the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369 AD), the Ming court followed the old system of the Yuan Dynasty's "Fuliang Ciju" and began firing porcelain for palace use in Jingdezhen. A "pottery factory" was established in Zhushan, which was named "Yuqi Factory" no later than the first year of Xuande (renamed "Yuyao Factory" in the Qing Dynasty), thus opening the "Imperial Kiln Historical Tale" of Jingdezhen. With the improvement of the system and the need for production, the Ming Dynasty Imperial Ware Factory was not only engaged in porcelain production, but also a comprehensive institution with functions such as management, etiquette and sacrifice, living and living, storage of goods, and production.长期以来,御器厂执行着严格的拣选制度,特别是明代早、中期所造瓷器,即便是存在不影响使用性能的小瑕疵也往往会落选、沦为废品,最终打碎,掩埋在御器厂内边缘、不影响生产的区域。这种情况直到明代晚期“官搭民烧”(即将部分御窑瓷器生产任务派予民窑代为生产)盛行才出现了较大转变。In the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369 AD), the Ming court followed the old system of the Yuan Dynasty's "Fuliang Ciju" and began firing porcelain for palace use in Jingdezhen. A "pottery factory" was established in Zhushan, which was named "Yuqi Factory" no later than the first year of Xuande (renamed "Yuyao Factory" in the Qing Dynasty), thus opening the "Imperial Kiln Historical Tale" of Jingdezhen. With the improvement of the system and the need for production, the Ming Dynasty Imperial Ware Factory was not only engaged in porcelain production, but also a comprehensive institution with functions such as management, etiquette and sacrifice, living and living, storage of goods, and production. 新加坡中国文化中心会议厅合影。China Cultural Centre in Singapore conference.右1:郑明炎(新加坡收藏家协会会长)Right 1 - TAY BENG YAM(PRESIDENT)COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)右2:孔媛(新加坡中国文化中心副主任)Right 2 - KONG YUAN (DEPUTY DIRECTOR)CHINA CULTURE CENTRE IN SINGAPORE右3:李维业(副会长)新加坡收藏家协会Right 3 - LEE WEE GIAP (VICE PRESIDENT)COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)右4:张裕民(副会长)新加坡收藏家协会Right 4 - TEO JOO BING(VICE PRESIDENT)COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)右5:吴秋赞(名誉会长)新加坡收藏家协会Right 5 - GOH CHU CHUNG (HONORARY PRESIDENT)COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)右6:肖江华(主任)新加坡中国文化中心Right 6 - XIAO JIANGHUA (DIRECTOR)CHINA CULTURE CENTRE IN SINGAPORE右7:江建新(名誉院长/文博研究馆员)景德镇御窑博物院Right 7 - JIANG JIAN XIN (HONORARY CURATOR/ RESEARCHER)JINGDEZHEN IMPERIAL KILN INSTITUTE右8:邹媛(书记)景德镇御窑博物院Right 8 - ZOU YUAN (SECRETARY)JINGDEZHEN IMPERIAL KILN INSTITUTE右9:邓忠庆(安保主任)景德镇御窑博物院Right 9 - DENG ZHONGQING (HEAD OF SECURITY) JINGDEZHEN IMPERIAL KILN INSTITUTE右10:方婷婷(翻译)景德镇御窑博物院Right 10 - FANG TINGTING (INTERPRETER) JINGDEZHEN IMPERIAL KILN INSTITUTE右11:陈原德(秘书长)新加坡收藏家协会Right 12 - TAN YONG TECK (HONORARY SECRETARY-GENERAL) COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)右12:张世友(副秘书长)新加坡收藏家协会Right 12 - ZHANG SHIYOU (DEPUTY HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL)COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE) 结语。Prologue. 刘新园在指导修复宣德青花大罐。Liu Xinyuan instructed a restoration team to restore the blue and white large Xuande Vessel.明代,景德镇御窑烧造了无数精美的御窑瓷器,如今已被世界各大博物馆或收藏家珍藏,而当时烧造所产生的残次品则被抛弃掩埋在御厂之内,不为世人所知。自上世纪70年代末以来,考古工作者在御窑遗址进行了多次抢救性发掘及正式考古发掘,出土了数以吨计的明清御窑瓷片。经过考古人员精心修复,这些深埋地下数百年的御窑瓷器珍品得以“重现天日”。本次展览的110件精品便是从这些珍贵的遗物中挑选出来的,不仅昭示着古人的智慧,也凝集着今人的汗水。本次展览全面展示了明代御窑辉煌成就,也希望可以折射出当时中国的宫廷生活、人文艺术等多方面的信息,更全面地展示中华优秀传统文化。In the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369 AD), the Ming court followed the old system of the Yuan Dynasty's "Fuliang Ciju" and began firing porcelain for palace use in Jingdezhen. A "pottery factory" was established in Zhushan, which was named "Yuqi Factory" no later than the first year of Xuande (renamed "Yuyao Factory" in the Qing Dynasty), thus opening the "Imperial Kiln Historical Tale" of Jingdezhen. With the improvement of the system and the need for production, the Ming Dynasty Imperial Ware Factory was not only engaged in porcelain production, but also a comprehensive institution with functions such as management, etiquette and sacrifice, living and living, storage of goods, and production. 【新加坡中国文化中心】网站。【China Cultural Centre in Singapore】Website.https://cccsingapore.org/ 【景德镇御窑博物院】网站。【Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Institute】Website. 【新加坡收藏家协会】网站。【COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE)】Website.https://collectorsassociation.org/zh-hant/ 《世文联》名誉顾问江建新教授。【FOWCAAS】 Honorary Committee Advisor Prof. Jiang Jianxinhttps://www.fowcaas.org/zhzzList.aspx?zlid=1683 《世文联》创办人全球总顾问陈光億宗师。【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang, PhD. 【世文联】网站FOWCAAS Websitehttps://www.fowcaas.org

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